Friday, December 7, 2012

Computer Final Project

Robotic Surgery-Computer Final Project

In our society today, the merging of computers and robots has become a new frontier in the United States.  Robots are used in many different ways and in many different occupations.  One of the biggest uses for robots is in the medical field for surgeries and in hospitals.  Robotic surgeries, also known as computer assisted surgery, are major technological improvements in today’s society.  The reason why the surgery robots were invented was to overcome the many limitations of minimally-invasive surgery, and to better the many capabilities of the surgeons who perform open surgery.  The history of this robot is very deep and complex. Although there are many different types of robots who perform multiple operations the main history of them are the same.  In the year 1985 a robot was used for a brain biopsy and it placed a needle using CT guidance it was called the PUMA 560.  Another Robot to perform a surgery is called the PROBOT, which was used to perform a prostatic surgery by Dr. Senthil Nathan at a hospital in London.  This robot was created at the Imperial College in London.  The medical robots of the twenty-first century have its advantages and disadvantages.  With the cost of the robot at an extremely high price of $1,390,000 and the disposable ones at $1,500 per procedure, the price of any procedure for the patient is significantly higher.  For the doctors who are watching over and tracking the procedure of the surgical robot, they need to have additional training to operate this system of robotic surgery.  People have different opinions on this subject of robotic “surgeons” and many people wonder if the purchases of these systems are worthwhile or if they are just a waste of money.  Robotic surgery today is an amazing process and is an amazing procedure to think about!  Its incredible how much medical technology has changed and how this industry has advanced.  Robotics in general is a fascinating subject and is well known by many in the United States and even in foreign countries. 

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